John R. Kyle
Author of the Dissent Series | Philomath
Introducing Mutual Assent: A Personal Dissent

Introducing Mutual Assent: A Personal Dissent


Every author hopes to make an impact with their work. Writers of dystopian science fiction, such as myself, hope that their work will serve as a prophetic warning to humanity about the possible consequences awaiting them should they choose to continue along the path they are currently taking.

The Hope of Being Wrong

If an author of dystopian science fiction succeeds, their writings become something future generations find almost comic. It will feel strange to them that such a thing was ever thought possible or even probable.

While most authors don’t want their writing to be ridiculed or scorned, I write dystopian science fiction hoping that this work will do such an effective job of warning humanity away from the dangers I see lying ahead that those who read it will step up to ensure that such a future is rendered outlandish or even impossible.

My debut novel, Mutual Assent, doesn’t paint a flattering picture of the future of our current society. It’s a cold world where men and women have become increasingly disconnected from one another, elites use technology to rule their lives, classism is reinforced by the laws which govern society, and atheists have gotten their ultimate wish: religion is sidelined, forced out of the public sphere, and is forbidden from being shared openly with others by threat of death.

A Rallying Cry for Our Mutual Assent

This is where I see humanity heading, but I hope my words will paint such a vivid picture of the reality of what such a world will look like that people will be motivated to Dissent against it, as the series title suggests.

That I write this novel should not be taken as a sign of my lack of faith in humanity. If I held no hope that humanity’s better side could win the fight despite the odds increasingly stacked against it, I would not have bothered to write it at all. There would be no point in warning people if the outcome were inevitable.

It is my intention to leverage this book as a rallying cry for those who, like me, wish to issue their own personal Dissent against such a future. This book is a starting point for our Mutual Ascent.

Join the Dissenters Community

Those who wish to join me are encouraged to sign up for my mailing list at so they can be notified when the book is ready for release. Those who do sign up will be receiving teasers, sample chapters, and guides to join me in becoming an active participant in shaping humanity’s future so that we don’t have to live out a future where a person’s worth is measured by the score on a test, or their level of productivity, or their ability to encourage others to purchase what is being produced.