John R. Kyle
Author of the Dissent Series | Philomath

Welcome to the Dissent!

This is a day and age when many feel powerless to change a situation they feel is hopeless. Many do not realize that their silence in the face of what is being done is taken for consent. That's why I offer this opportunity for those who are not happy with the direction society is heading to raise their voice and issue their dissent by joining our #Dissenters community while we still have a chance to change things.

I began the journey of outlining Mutual Assent back in 2017. Even then I knew that I wanted to write something that would make a difference. I wanted to write something that woud encourage those who lost faith with themselves to believe that their future does not have to be hopeless. It is not written in stone, but in every decision made about what to do in the face of the challenges that arise.

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